Tuesday, July 18, 2006


I've been puking my guts out all weekend and just came down from a crazy fever and now I'm on-call for the next 24 hours, so this is going to be short and sweet. I was really thinking the other day about two people who really helped to make a miserable day not so much and so I wanted to say cheers to these lovely ladies.
Sandie, my wonderful friend who keeps me grounded and centered at work with off color humor and encourages me to just cry and be kind to myself and will scrap her plans for the next couple of hours to help me do so. Thank you.
Joy, my myspace friend, who is quickly becoming so much more than that. Joy shared her love of sushi, which I turned around and shared with Sandie, who was not as appreciative :), and bought my dinner on one of our very first dates, when we really may not have been at that point in the relationship and then helped make the terrible horrible no good very bad day after a little better by surprising me and picking up my maggie moo's bill after she had already listened to me bitch and moan while dipping everything I had into my assortment of sauces at chic-fil-a, or as grandma likes to say chic a fil. Thanks to you.
Oh, and I've got to add two more ladies who made the time pass a little more smoothly while I was screaming into the trash can. Mom, thank you so much for coming up here and taking me to the doctor and then playing nurse all weekend. You're the best. Evelyn, thank you so much for pausing your on-call recovery and montreat escape to make me tea and buy me sprite, and for calling to check up on me. (You also helped make the other horrible day better by letting me vent and offering a hug too, don't think that went without notice. beans!)
Okay, so not so short, but surely sweet.

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